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AMP – Does it improve Ranking and Conversion?

Having a responsive site is one of the best decisions you’d make as a business owner. In our world today, web visitors are impatient. And if your website loads slowly, they’d exit your site to other corners of the internet.

In the long run, you’d experience high bounce rate — a very sad experience every web owner dreads. Luckily, there’s a way around it — and that’s to improve the user experience of your visitors.

Figuring out how to optimize a website and improve user experience has been a major puzzle for most internet marketers and business owners.

To get moving, you’ve got to understand a significant piece to the puzzle — Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Mobile web users have surpassed desktop web users. Therefore, if you want to reach more audience and convert more visitors into customers, your website has to be responsive to mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

To accelerate the process, you’ve got to integrate Google AMP into your web pages. AMP is an open-source code framework designed by Google. It’s created to help web pages become more responsive and fast to mobile devices.

Let’s face it; dwell time and site speed are crucial for the effectiveness of your website. And if you can get these two right, you’re pretty much on the fast lane to get the most out of your site.

To get going, you’d need AMP. AMPs have a faster load time than the traditional web pages — it gives your visitors an extra reason to lurk around and go through the contents on your website.

Does AMP improve SEO and Search Ranking?

Does AMP improve SEO and Search Ranking?Yes, AMP influences SEO and it also helps to boost the search ranking of your site.

However, it’s not magic wade that gets the job done without much work. To get better results, you’ve got to have an advanced SEO strategy.

Here’s the thing, at present, AMPs are not listed as a ranking factor by Google. But that does not underplay the role it plays in the search ranking.

For instance, a New York Times article that appeared on a mobile device, desktop, and AMP was monitored by an anti-tracking Ghostery.

It was discovered that the article on the desktop had over a hundred JavaScript tags, the mobile device was about sixty JavaScript tags, while the AMP had only twenty-one JavaScript tags.

Stunning! Isn’t it?

If you’ve not integrated AMP into your site framework, then you’re probably missing out and redirecting your visitors to your competitor’s website.

Aside from the page load time, AMP helps to improve SEO and boost the search rank by:

1. Lowering bounce rates:

Here’s the thing, individuals in the twenty-first century generally have a low attention span, and they’re impatient. A slight delay in your site load time would make them leave your page and seek the information elsewhere.

Reports have shown that a second delay in your site load time could cause up to 11% decrease in page views. Also, customer satisfaction and conversion would be reduced by 16% and 7% respectively.

Having hundreds or thousands of people abandon your site due to slow load time is bad for business. It won’t just cost you customers; it’ll also affect your search ranking.

AMPs help you to get rid of this malady.

Typically, AMP pages load 15% to 18% faster than the traditional web pages. And with a web page that provides the right contents at a breakneck pace, your audience is likely to stick around for a long time, thereby lowering the bounce rate of your site.

2. Improving Content Visibility:

If you want your contents to gain more visibility, AMPs can help you do just that.

With improved content visibility, you’re more likely to generate better backlinks. And to boost your chances of having more users, you’ve got to use intriguing and eye-catching AMP content.

3. Improving content distribution:

Here’s the thing, quality content is of no good to your business if it can’t be seen. To get it found quickly, your web page should load pretty fast so that visitors don’t get discouraged and bounce back.

When your content can be easily accessed, your web visitors get the chance to share it on other social media platforms, thereby reaching more audiences in the long run.

AMP and Your Conversion Rate

AMP and Your Conversion RateIf you’re in the online shopping space, conversions would be a crucial factor for you. Nowadays, around 60% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices. And the total sales generated from mobile traffic is rapidly increasing in the last few years.

According to Neil Patel, page load time affects the conversion rate of your site.

Four out of ten users abandon a site that takes over 3 seconds to load. For every one second delay in your page load time, there’s a 7% reduction in your conversion rate. For businesses that generate millions of revenue, a slow web load time would cost them millions per year.

Stunning! Isn’t it?

Here’s the thing; AMP is not a ranking factor, but the page load time is. Therefore, AMP influences factors that would boost your search ranking.

With AMP, you get to increase your page load time which, in turn, boost your search ranking. And you’d be able to generate more organic web traffic.

Furthermore, AMP consumes less data, making your audience connect easily without having the usual fuss about data.

Conclusion — AMP or no AMP, what’s the right choice for you?

If you’re pretty comfortable with your site speed and you’d want to be entirely in control with everything about your website, then AMP is probably not the right fit for you.

If, however, you want faster web load time with other juicy benefits, then you should set up an AMP-enabled website.

The minimal data consumption coupled with the speed of AMP-enabled will help establish a reliable connection with your visitors.

All-in-all, having an AMP-enabled website is a great way to improve your search ranking and also boost your conversion.

So, what you are thinking about AMP, please let me know in the comments. 

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I'm Akash Srivastava, an AI-powered Freelance SEO Expert. I help businesses create or revise their SEO plan, implement it and monitor results. I regularly write about SEO. I have been in this since 2011. I read books in my spare time. You can hire me for complete SEO services. Contact me today!